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How Libraries Use Metadata

As you probably know, libraries aren’t like other customers.

Even the most enthusiastic individual book customer only has to please themselves when it comes to what they buy and how they organize it. But libraries have their own customers to satisfy, as well as universal rules for organization and categorization. They also have their own version of the metadata file, known as a MARC record.

In simple terms, MARC records are the cornerstone of collection management for every library.

Without a good MARC record a book may never get off the library shelf.

And just because an ISBN has a metadata file, that doesn’t mean it has a MARC record.


So, what is a MARC record?

Illustration on what additional metadata makes a MARC record for libraries.


Here’s why you should care about MARC records.

A library’s decision to buy is based not only on quality, but also ease of purchase and if a given book fits their needs.

These days, most libraries also expect a MARC record as a condition of the sale.

Since the quality of the MARC determines processing time and ulitmately can dramatically affect circulation numbers, a poor MARC record today might mean the difference between repeat business and never selling to that library again.


Here’s what you can do about it.

Join MCS today. Our SuperbMARC has everything libraries look for in a MARC record, formatted the way they need it. We can also prepare your books and materials to be shelf-ready when they arrive at your library customer's door.


Give your library and educational customers a product that automatically fits their needs
& you’ve set yourself apart. Per ISBN, we do more with metadata for less money than you pay in-house.


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