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Benefits to Joining MCS


Control Your Brand

You get a standardized, highest quality metadata record, with no maintenance costs.
Buy SuperbMeta for your ISBN once, and all future updates to that record are free and automatic.


Make Your Products Discoverable

Ready weeks before the publication date, SuperbMeta gives your sales & marketing staff time to promote your book, and your vendors and customers time to find it.
Not sure why you should care about Discoverability? Click here to find out.


Save on Overhead Costs

Our focus is metadata.
Our professional catalogers create, maintain and review your SuperbMeta record for quality.
You save money and time on data entry, problem resolution and the need to monitor & maintain
the metadata for your current or back catalog.


Faster Distribution Cycle

Speed to market counts.
Online, accurate SuperbMeta records are always up-to-date, always ready to go, so your materials spend less time in the warehouse, waiting for someone else to create more metadata for your products.

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